
We apologize! Viktorias order process is automated to distribute products quickly and accurately. We cannot change or cancel orders as they are processed and shipped from our warehouse immediately.

If you have ordered an item that you wish to return, you can initiate a return by clicking here.

Yes! All orders will include a tracking number. It will be automatically sent to your email address. You can track your order directly on our website by clicking here.

If you have received an email confirmation with your tracking number, it means that your order has been shipped. It may take 1-5 business days to update the tracking number depending on the shipping company. This is usually due to our high order volume.

You can track your order by clicking here.

As soon as your package has been shipped, you may receive an email confirming that the package has been shipped. In the email you will receive the tracking number for your package and a link to the shipping company's website. You can also track your order by clicking here.

If there is a problem with your tracking number or the delivery, please contact the courier directly. It may take 1-4 days for the tracking information to appear. In some rare cases, the tracking information may not be updated but you will still receive your order. Contact us after the estimated delivery time.

How quickly you receive your order may vary depending on a few things, e.g. your delivery method and delivery address. We offer several different shipping methods. Each shipping method has its own handling time/advantages which you can compare at checkout.

Generally you can change your delivery address within 24 hours. Be sure to contact us immediately with your order number and the correct address. The more information you provide, the faster we can change your information. While we cannot guarantee that we will receive your order in time before it begins processing, we will do our absolute best to make the requested changes.

Be sure to write "Urgent: Change Order Details" in the subject line. All other titles may cause delays in the delivery of your order.

Please note that your order may have already been shipped. In that case, we can't send you a new one, so it's best to contact the postal service.

We are very sorry that you have not received your package yet. When the tracking information shows that the package has been delivered, it means that it has been delivered to the delivery address that you provided to us at checkout. Please read through the options below as it may help you find your package.

A. Double check your shipping address.

We recommend that you double-check the shipping address you entered to ensure it is correct. Check that the home number and unit number (if applicable) are correct.

You can check the delivery address provided to us at checkout by following the steps below:

1. Log in to your Viktorias account.

2. Click on the order that you have not received.

3. Review the shipping information to ensure that the address entered is correct.

Please note that Viktorias cannot be held responsible for incorrectly delivered packages if an incorrect delivery address has been provided to us. The customer is responsible for ensuring that all information provided to us at check-out is correct. If you believe your package was delivered to an incorrect address, please try to contact the residents of that address to see if they can accept the package on your behalf.

Otherwise, you can keep an eye on the tracking information to see if it updates to show that the package is "returned to sender". If this is the case, please contact us with your order number and we will be happy to send a new package to your intended address.

B. Check with your household members and neighbors.

When a package is delivered, most carriers simply deliver it to the address listed on the waybill, and not necessarily to the recipient listed. Therefore, check with your household members as there is a chance that someone else may have received the package on your behalf.

We also recommend that you contact your neighbors to see if someone has received the package for you.

C. Check your mailbox and any safe drop-off locations near your home.

In most cases, the carrier will indicate on your tracking link where the package was delivered (a mailbox, the front door, etc). However, we still recommend that you check all possible areas where it may have been delivered to rule out the other options.

What does secure delivery mean? Safe Delivery refers to any location around your household where your package can be considered better hidden from passers-by by the person delivering your package. Check for the package on your front porch, near your garage, and at the entrance to your backyard.

D. For businesses - contact the security guard, mailroom and reception.

If your delivery address is to a business, it is very likely that the package was delivered elsewhere and/or to someone else. Contact the mailroom, reception and security to see if someone has received the package for you.

E. For apartment buildings - check with the security guard or reception/concierge.

In many cases the package is delivered to the concierge or security department. Please contact the building's reception or management office to ask if they have received your package.

F. Contact your local post office.

There is a chance that your package may have been held at one of your local post offices instead, even though the tracking shows it as "Delivered". We recommend that you contact your local post office to ask if they still have your package. Be sure to contact the number for that specific post office, and not the carrier's general support line.

G. Please allow 24-48 hours for your package to be delivered.

In rare cases, the carrier may mark the package as delivered earlier than it actually is. Please wait 24-48 hours for your package to be delivered or for the carrier to make another update.

If you have done everything above and still have not received your package, please contact us with your order number and we will be happy to help you further.

Please note: We cannot be held responsible for packages where the tracking information indicates that the package has been delivered to your order address.

If you have experienced lost or stolen packages where you live, we recommend that you have your package delivered to a work address to ensure that you receive it safely.

Yes, absolutely! You can do this by entering your address as "billing address" and the address you want to ship your order to as "delivery address" at checkout.


We accept all major credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, Visa Debit, American Express and Paypal. We also offer local payment methods such as Klarna, iDeal.

We do not accept checks or money orders, but you can purchase via Paypal if you are concerned about entering your credit card details online. Just click the "Paypal" button in the checkout.

You will immediately receive an error message if a problem occurs when processing your credit card. You have the option of entering a new card number if this occurs. Make sure all of your personal information matches the exact information (name, address, etc.) associated with your credit card. If any information is incorrect, the transaction will not go through, as we have a very secure payment process. If you are unsure, you can call your credit card company to verify the information they have on file.

Also check that your credit card can be used for international purchases. Viktorias is a Sweden-based company. You can also try going through the regular checkout or PayPal checkout as payment options. Please note that our online checkout system does not allow payments to be split between two cards.

If you haven't received a refund yet, first check your bank account and then contact your credit card company. It may take some time before your refund is officially posted. Then contact your bank. It often takes some time before the refund is posted. If you've done all of this and still haven't received your refund, please contact us.

Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.

Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.

Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.


Still need help? Contact us at info@viktorias.com or click the button below.